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Stubborn Start 2 Yoga.

So I really began this scared art of stretching a few years back out of stubbornness, the opposite of which yoga should bring out. Long story short back in college I was in dance rehearsal one day fell out of a pirouette wrong and got a Jones fracture, which is a pretty big bone crack right at the base of your pinky toe. I was out of EVERYTHING, BIG mad! I had to miss out on one of the best dance concerts, missed my very first solo performance opportunity, couldn't perform with any of my teams, couldn't walk to classes on campus, and had to take myself out of school a month early just so I could finish my classes from home. I've dealt with my share of anxiety, but depression is something I never saw until I was stuck in my bed for weeks; broken footed, unmoving, taking shots of almond milk with handfuls of vitamins, binge watching The Walking Dead. I was stuck physically in a fat stiff calf length cast and mentally which never happened like that before, but it literally felt like my whole life was snatched away. After my strong bones healed its self and I was left with a skinny weak left leg and a stubborn defeated ass attitude. I didn't want the help of physical therapy, the price and time it was gonna cost, and how was someone else going to tell me how to build myself back up?

So I thought screw physical therapy I'm going to work myself back up and figure out my own limits, and yoga it was the basics of everything I already knew. Working by myself again for months in my room with my yoga mat, therabands, and tennis balls just stretching and reading material from Pintrest. Not such a long story short but it's been a long time coming, and just being able to stand and dance again is something I'm thankful for everyday and the reason I started

Sunflxw Salutations...

Based on my knowledge of dance, yoga, stretching + conditioning the body and my experiences I wanted to share with people how to regain their balance, stretch to their limits, and find their own flxw because you can do anything you set your mind to. No limits expect the ones you place on yourself. I encourage everyone to try meditation, try starting your own yoga practice, and try to find for center balance, because it is there that light and love is waiting. Just go with the flxw, and enjoy this video; from my first workshop <3

More Sunflxw.Salutation workshops coming soon!

Email to collab for future events!


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